Tuesday, 26 March 2013

My Painted Zeds as of now

Well, for my first post I though it would be a great idea to post some pictures of the zombies I have painted. A few of them are from Flames of War, but most are just random minis I founds and wanted to paint dead.
 This is the first group. I did a lot of custom work on the viking and guy in dress. It was a pain in the ass but the result(and lacerations) where worth it all.
I did a lot of FoW models in zombie form...was pretty easy with the poses. the zombie on the right though was painted by my fiancee...I just added all the blood. I think she did a great job IMO. 
 The model in the middle on the right was a wounded US soldier... it practicably painted itself XD
 Far right was the first model I painted in 15mm... other than the fact that he looks like Freddy Kruger, I think it worked

 Thats it for now. Next post will have some survivers!!

 - Nico

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